November 6, 2023

God Through The Eyes Of The Hebrews by Yesha Yahu

God Through The Eyes Of The Hebrews: The Elephant In The Temple

God Through The Eyes Of The Hebrews
  • Yesha Yahu
  • Nonfiction
  • Spiritual, Literature, Philosophy
  • November 6, 2023

Everyone thinks they know who and what God is but do we ever consider the source? Do we ever consider what the eyewitnesses’ thought? How did Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob view God? For that matter, how did Jesus and the Apostles see God the Father? Would it shock you to know that you probably have it all wrong? This includes mainstream religion! This book digs into these questions and addresses “The Elephant in the Temple”.


• Who or what is God
• Why did he create angels
• Why did he create the material universe
• What is the Holy Spirit
• Is God a trinity
• Who or what was Jesus before he was made human
• What is Gods secret purpose for Man•
• Can we actually understand the scriptures
• Are there other gods
• And much, much more….

All through the eyes of the Hebrews. Enjoy!

Yesha Yahu

We sell and publish books, apparel and other media delving into the deeper mysteries of God, his plan for angels, man and creation. We focus on spiritual and prophetic topics concerning the Bible, Abrahamic and Hebrew religions with regard to Israel, Judah, the Christian church and the Islamic faiths, not generally addressed by mainstream religion. We promote thought (Stranger Thinking) about our purpose and place in the universe.


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