November 25, 2024

Infinity, Infinity, and a Palm Tree by Clara White

Infinity, Infinity, and a Palm Tree: A Story of Love, Lifetime after Lifetime

Infinity, Infinity, and a Palm Tree
  • Clara White
  • Fiction
  • Romance, Supernatural, Magical Realism
  • November 25, 2024

Do you believe in love at first sight? It is not falling for someone new—it is recognizing a loved one from your past lives.

Infinity, Infinity, and a Palm Tree by Clara White will take you on a rollercoaster ride of time travel through different reincarnations.

It will allow you to glimpse the scenes from naval battles between ancient Greece and Persia to the Italian Renaissance; from the spark of the suffrage movement in England to the heyday of Impressionism in France; and from the Great Depression, World War II, and the dissolution of the USSR to the end of democracy in Russia. All of this is mixed with one woman’s dramatic present-day story. You will hear how she moved to the US after finding love; survived a near-death illness before having a child; and faced strains in her marriage after the invasion of Ukraine.

How far can one person go to salvage her love without sacrificing her identity?

Are you ready? Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Infinity, Infinity, and a Palm Tree

Clara White

Clara White is a pen name that came from the nickname that I was given at my elementary school–The White Crow. My classmates gave me this moniker for the ways I stood out: my broken beak (nose), my height (taller than most of the other kids), and my frequent challenges to our teachers. I hated it then, but I love it now, because in some cultures a white crow is considered a symbol of transformation or spiritual awakening. One day, I will use my books’ royalties to launch the reconstruction of a hospital in my husband’s native city of Kharkiv, Ukraine. There, we will establish a program to help Ukrainians who live with PTSD after the Russian invasion. My own journey from a victim of childhood and youth trauma to survivor, then ultimately to THRIVER, took two decades of struggle, pain, and therapy. I live vibrantly in San Francisco with my husband, daughter, and dog.


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George Martin

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