December 2, 2024

In a World Full of People, Yet Still All Alone by Lemuel Blount

In a World Full of People, Yet Still All Alone

In a World Full of People, Yet Still All Alone
  • Lemuel Blount
  • Nonfiction
  • Autobiography, Self-Help, Memoir
  • December 2, 2024

Have you ever felt an emptiness inside so strong that it causes you to isolate yourself from others? Childhood memories of being let down, feelings of abandonment, or simply feeling unworthy can simulate thoughts of loneliness. You are surrounded by people everyday of your life, but you still feel alone. You don't wake up and decide that you would rather spend your day lost in thoughts of hopelessness and despair, but sometimes it happens.

In a World Full of People, Yet Still All Alone details the personal account of a man whose life experiences have often left him battling with depression and thoughts of lonesomeness. Journey through the life of Lemuel T. Blount as he unveils the issues that once held him in captivity to loneliness, and how the recognition of spiritual principles and self-awareness unlocked the door to his new found happinesss and freedom from solitude.

Lemuel Blount

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